Course ONA  ( Oriëntatie op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt)

is an obligatory part of the Integration exam for not employed integrators.

If you came to the Netherlands on /or after January 1, 2022, then you  you do not need to take an ONA exam.

Learning goals & content

The aim of the Orientation on the Dutch Labour Market (ONA) exam is that you get insight into how you can find work that suits you in the Netherlands,

and how you can keep this work in the long term.

You work on the components: the preparatory phase, the portfolio and  a final interview with DUO.

You work independently and one to one with your tutor at every phase.

You will be guided and get advice and explanations from your tutor for each part.

After successfully completing this course you are ready for the final exam: interview with DUO .

Time & Costs investment

Keep in mind that your entire ONA process may take from one month to several months.

The course consists of four sessions with your tutor  at all phases ,  90 minutes  each.

 The price of this module is €250,-.

The total class time one to one with a tutor is 6 hours.

To ensure that you learn as much as possible from the meetings, we expect you to spend approximately twice as many hours doing homework

then the number of teaching hours per week on self-study.

You will of course receive necessary materials and assignments for this, which will be discussed during the meetings.

Practical information

The course is suitable for anyone who has the Dutch  language level A2