Hi, my name is Mariana Meerloo - Grosu,

 Although I am an economist by my first education.  In addition to my professional skills I have a great affinity with foreign languages.

My native language is Romanian. I graduated at a French high school and I speak fluently Russian and English also.

After earning my Master’s degree in Business Administration I travel to many countries and my knowledge of languages is a big advantage to it.  

Twenty years ago I moved to the Netherlands. I started to learn  Dutch from the first day and developed a real passion for it. As a result I took my NT2 diploma and later obtained a diploma  as all-round coach.

Having lived and worked in different countries, I know what it feels like to “land” in a new culture and language. In my experience, learning the language of the locals makes settling in a lot easier and more agreeable.

Over the years I share and promote among expatriates my knowledge and love for the Netherlands, the Dutch language and the Dutch culture.

My purpose is for expatriates to learn to express themselves in Dutch with confidence in everyday life, to help them to pass with success the Integration exam and simply to enjoy living in the Netherlands.

For the past year and a half, which would go down in history as corona-virus or COVID 19 pandemic time, I have been busy guiding online expatriates for their integration exams. It turns out to be a success. Now I have built up experience not only in individual coaching but also in small-scale groups. As a result many satisfied customers and most of them have passed their integration exams and obtained their diploma.

I work with a number of native Dutch professional tutors. Our team works with interest and devotion. Together we guide integrators online at all Dutch language levels, KNM, ONA and up to the training for the Integration exam (Inburgeringsexamen) and States exam (Staatsexamen I en II).

Our life motto is “Together at home in the Netherlands!”

Don't  be bored and level up your Dutch!